Thursday, September 30, 2010

Family and Joy Collage

   For my Final Collage project, I chose to have a theme of family and joy. The background in this photo has no significance to my main theme, but it was chosen because the landscape is captured from a beautiful ocean. It was included also because the texture of the jagged rocks was a great contrast to go with the other textures including the smooth organic edges of the pictures and the colors of the sky, and ocean water kept the collage from looking monotonous. The overall value was edging towards light and didn't have to many fluctuations between the light and dark values.
   There were a variety of different tools that I utilized in my collage. The most used tool/technique to create my collage was cropping pictures out of their background, adding a layer mask, and brushing away extra bits using the black and white brush. I used the hue and saturation adjustment for the graduation picture and used the default "increase saturation" because it made the hues of all the colors "pop" to my liking. Then I used the vibrance adjustment to increase the saturation to +6 and the vibrance to +10.The reason for using this tool was because the picture to begin with had a dark value and was taken around not that much light. When I played around with this tool, I found that it suited my liking with the value that it came out with. The rest of the tools I used were just from Transform, such as altering the size and rotation of the picture. For final touches, I used the Spot Healing Brush tool to fix up little blemishes.
   When it came to analyzing my collage, I thought of some things I could have included or fixed to enhance it. To make all of the pictures even blend in more, I should have fixed all of the shadows of the pictures, like how we did on the exercise with the lady on the books. Next, I had trouble with deciding whether I should have cropped the graduation picture and now looking back, I regret not doing so because all if I did, it would have given a better unity since all of the other pictures were cropped. After everything, I was still pleased with how it came out and I am very grateful for learning the skill of creating collages. Now, I can of great use to my mom with her scrap booking collage projects.


  1. Describe:

    Artist's name: Allen
    Title: Family and Joy collage

    Allen makes full use of space in his collage. There are barely any unused spaces in the images. The values do not contrast because they are mostly skin tones. The tools he used are the quick selection tool to crop out the images, and layer masks to refine their selections by revealing the background underneath. The subject matter is obviously Allen's family and relatives. My immediate impression of the image is the people who Allen cares about.

  2. Interpret:
    The theme of Allen's collage is family as shown by the images of his relatives. They communicate emotions of happiness and togetherness. The work is about Allen's strong connection with his family. He created this work to express the importance of family. As shown by this collage, Allen's view of the world is one where every family should by tightly knit together. (to be continued)

  3. Analyze:
    Allen generally uses light values and doesn't contrast them with dark ones. He uses texture in the images of the rocks on the sides of the collage. The balance of the collage appears to be radial. What caught my eye was the image of the cliff overlooking the ocean on the left side of the collage. I thought it was interesting. The similarity in this work is definitely the usage of family and relatives as the main subjects.

  4. Evaluate:
    By now I’ve realized that Allen’s artwork is one that could be respected due to its strong balance among the images. I felt that his arrangement and rotation adjustments of the photos were done nicely and successfully. However, Allen could’ve took advantage of more photoshop effects such as drop shadows and other blending techniques. Nevertheless, Allen’s artwork has shown me that cropping can help the viewer focus on the subjects easier.
